Unitron Z645 Stereo Microscope on Ball Bearing Boom Stand 6.7x – 45x Online Hot Sale

The Unitron Z645 high resolution stereo microscope on ball bearing boom stand is suitable for inspection, dissection, re-work, education and more with its 110mm working distance. The microscope has a 0.67x – 4.5x zoom rang which provides a total magnification of 6.7x – 45x with the standard include 10x eyepieces. Optional auxiliary lenses and eyepieces allow you to increase, or decrease the total magnification and working distance. The click stops allow for repeatability and accuracy. The optional trinocular viewing head allows for a permeant 50:50 light split allowing you to view through both eyepieces while displaying an image with a camera. The ball bearing boom stand makes it easy to move the microscope position and is ideal for inspection or re-work appliactions. You can add a ring light or gooseneck illuminator as needed